"I DREW THIS THAT ONE TIME." — Amelia Onorato

Amelia Onorato is a 30 year old cartoonist and former archivist/gallerina
currently living in Providence, RI with her cat, Mewgene.

In 2009 she graduated from Regis College with a Bachelors degree
in Museum Studies and History, and minored in Art History and English
(focused on 19th Century British Literature because—let's face it—
the Victorians were hilarious). In 2012 she earned her Masters in Comics
from the Center for Cartoon Studies.

Amelia enjoys drawing sea monsters and fancy ladies on restaurant tablecloths,
holding lengthy discussions about Jon Snow's (now confirmed!) parentage
in Game of Thrones, and referring to herself in the third person
when writing in "About Me" sections.

She is French, Italian, Corsican, Irish, Greek, Spanish, and Algerian,
which means that no one who values their shins will play floor hockey with her.